Thursday, January 8, 2009

Who cares about the carpet!

So... Lemme tell ya about why I feel like an a-hole today! It started normal, got up, made Jordan some breakfast... Cinnamon rolls per his request, then he ate 4 of the eight cus cinnamon rolls for breakfast is a treat around here. I made his lunch, warmed up the car and took him to school... Slept most the day til I got up showered, picked up the boy from school, went to sisters, helped Mark wash the dog... Came home and here it goes... had to deal with the ant problem I have... I had to throw away a bunch of cereal which made me mad cus cereal is sooo not cheap, had to take everything off of the shelves in the pantry clean them sweep out the pantry, clean the floor in the pantry,and pretty much put every bit of food in ziplocks or tupperware... then I asked my child to get into the corners of the pantry and spray the ant spray that might I add smells like ben gay cus its supposed to be friendly for the kids and the pets... So my old ass cant crawl into the corner of the pantry because its more like a big closet under the stairs and it slants and yeah there is no way! So my kid has the nerve to go tell his father that I'm making him do everything.... I was pissed so I said you wanna do everything? You got it... So I took advantage of this and made him take out the trash, sweep the kitchen floor & then I decided to make him clean his own bathroom... So apparently he poured the clorox toilet bowl cleaner in the toilet & then again went into the front bedroom where Tim is to complain again about his mom making him do everything and just happens to have the clorox bleach toilet cleaner in his hands and it just so happens to drip down the hall and into the bedroom on the carpet... I guess at the same time it gets on his jeans and of course he freaks out cus those are his new jeans that he got for Christmas and god forbid he ruins them... but my child fails to tell me he spilled bleach on the carpet until I notice & then of course I freak out and start screaming at him and send him to his room... and ground him from tv... So my boy he eats all his dinner and he is so proud to show me, cus he's in trouble, takes his shower without me asking him to & even brushes his teeth without me asking.... He kisses and hugs me and tells me he loves me & lets me know he's going to bed without me telling him he has to... So I go into his room and he is in his bed without the tv on, I always let him watch a little tv before sleepy time & then I start to feel bad cus ya know who gives a shit about the damn carpet... I know he wouldnt do it on purpose so I had to tell him I'm sorry and tell him how much he means to me... Way more than the stupid carpet! And then we snuggle and I tickle his perfect little face and nose til he falls asleep! So I just wanna say that I love his guts and I feel bad about making him do all those chores and screaming at him about the carpet... I feel blessed to have such a great boy and wouldnt change him, no matter how much bleach is spilled on the damn carpet!!!

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